The Age of Hermes

<p>With usual restraint, a&nbsp;<em>New York Post</em>&nbsp;headline of June 19, 2018, announced: &ldquo;This sex-&shy;crazed cultist was the father of modern rocketry.&rdquo; The occasion was a TV series dramatizing the life of pioneering rocket scientist Jack Parsons (1914&ndash;1952).</p> <p>Parsons, cofounder of NASA&rsquo;s Jet Propulsion Laboratory &mdash; some say its initials JPL mythically stand for Jack Parsons Lives &mdash; was among the brightest intellects in rocketry in the immediate post-&shy;war era. He was handsome, deeply read, and well liked. &ldquo;Jack is one hell of a nice guy and a number-&shy;one rocket engineer,&rdquo; science-&shy;fiction writer Robert Heinlein wrote in a 1949 letter.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hermès