Papa’s Herb Vape Cartridge Review

<p>Papa&rsquo;s Herb, available at Liberty Health Sciences, is in my top three favorite brands of vape cartridges. Not only are they potent, effective, and flavorful, but these cartridges offer consistent quality. One of my favorite aspects of them is that they keep their great flavor until the very last draw and never taste burnt. I have had the problem of oil tasting burnt with Trulieve, Columbia Care, and some other vape cartridges, but never Papa&rsquo;s Herb. Another significant aspect of Papa&rsquo;s Herb is their prices. Their 400 mg vape cartridges are only $35 each- compare that to Trulieve&rsquo;s $48-$55 400 mg cartridges or Columbia Care&rsquo;s $60 500 mg cartridges for the same THC concentration!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Herb Vape