Remember Henry Brown, The Man Who Shipped Himself To Freedom?

<p>&ldquo;When there&#39;s a will, there&#39;s a way,&quot; the old English proverb says, reminding us that determination is powerful. And what better example can be found than Black abolitionists who, against all odds, found unique paths to freedom? For instance, a Black man named Henry &quot;Box&quot; Brown shipped himself from Virginia, where he worked on a plantation and tobacco factory, to the free state of Pennsylvania. The post office unknowingly delivered Brown, hidden in a &quot;three feet long, two and half feet deep, and a foot wide&quot;&nbsp;<a href=",agreed%20to%20accept%20the%20package." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">wooden crate</a>&nbsp;to the&nbsp;<em>Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society</em>. Henry &quot;Box&quot; Brown became a well-known abolitionist, public speaker, and performer, but none of that would have been possible without his determination to be free.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Henry Brown