How My Morning Ritual That Summons Seethus, Demon of Productivity, Helps Me Achieve My Daily Goals

<p>Admit it, you want to be that person who manages to get it all done in a day. The good news is you can be. Consistent daily rituals are the key to making that happen. For some that means cold showers. Others prefer journaling. Me? I swear by my morning rituals that summon Seethus, the demon of productivity.</p> <p>Never heard of my routine? It&rsquo;s easy!</p> <p>I rise at 5:30 to do some warming up stretches. After my muscles are loose it&rsquo;s time to roll out my custom yoga mat. It&rsquo;s organic (don&rsquo;t settle for less) and painted with sigils that open the door to the underworld. You won&rsquo;t find this routine on Yoga with Adriene, but suffice it to say after contorting my body into rough approximations of the signs themselves, I successfully release the seals to the fiery door and call on my demon.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s the thing, you can&rsquo;t half-ass the poses, because there&rsquo;s a fine line between some of those demon names. You don&rsquo;t want to accidentally summon Sneethus, demon of sweets, do you? Believe me, cake and productivity mix like demons and holy water.</p> <p>By 6:30 my tummy is growling, so to the kitchen I go for breakfast. Not only is it the important meal of the day, it&rsquo;s another important step needed to summon Seethus. There&rsquo;s no specific dishes but treat your body like a temple. Then make two of two of everything so you can set out a plate for yourself and the other in the small temple you should create for the demon who increases productivity ten-fold.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>