Heaviest Chemical Elements Created by Ancient Stars

<p>Like most people, all my high school science classrooms had one wall papered with a huge, multi-coloured chart. It was, of course, the Periodic Table of the Elements.</p> <p>Readers who were paying extra-close attention in their chemistry classes may remember that Dimitri Mendeleev came up with the periodic table in 1869. He organized the known chemical elements into a chart, based on their atomic masses and properties.</p> <p>Mendeleev left gaps in the table for elements that hadn&rsquo;t been discovered yet. The resulting table is a foundation of science that chemists still use, with some revisions, every day.</p> <p><a href="https://daretoknow-ca.medium.com/heaviest-chemical-elements-created-by-ancient-stars-34f93d65e9b8"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>