Programmed to receive

<p>You have heard of Edinburgh (the city, as it happens, in which I was baptised; which I have loved all my life). You may not have visited Sighthill or Dumbiedykes, but perhaps you know the view down George Street. Now there is a new sight at the George Square end: a round and tapering hotel which has been unkindly compared to a golden dog deposit.</p> <p>Some time ago there was commotion that the &lsquo;Edinburgh Christmas&rsquo; had placed helter-skelters, wheels and all rides of that kind in Princes Street Gardens, the drained loch full of green at the base of the Castle Rock. The big toy buildings were thought to stand oddly beside Playfair&rsquo;s buildings. But &lsquo;Edinburgh Christmas&rsquo; is a great economic multiplier for this city. The city was glad of it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Edinburgh City