Why You Don’t Control Your Health Data

<p>During my residency training our hospital system was hacked. Computers were shut down and a ransom was demanded. Everything reverted back to paper. That meant lab orders, notes, vitals, and everything in between. Medical techs took on new roles as sprinters. The chaos made it clear that we had become entirely dependent on the data being recorded and stored within our hospital systems.</p> <p>Hackers knew that the hospital would not be able to function, since electronic medical records essentially drove all clinical operations in the hospital. The same records are tied to billing insurance, and how the hospital was paid. The hackers knew operations would cease and the hospital wouldn&rsquo;t be able to make any money.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wise-well/why-you-dont-control-your-health-data-2d802b620ab9"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Health Data