Mental Health and Drug Addiction: Crisis Within Our Borders

<p>Politicians spend an abundant amount of time and resources trying to solve what the Republicans label as a crisis at our country&rsquo;s southern border. Politics aside, many Americans, especially those in disadvantaged communities, grapple with chronic substance abuse often facilitated by entities outside of our borders. The pressure and stress of living within a system built on systemic racism inordinately impacts the mental health of African Americans disproportionately.</p> <p>In today&rsquo;s paced and interconnected society, it is increasingly vital to tackle the issues surrounding mental well-being and substance misuse. These two aspects often intertwine like threads of a fabric, creating a situation. This widespread problem affects individuals from all walks of life and age groups without discrimination. It is imperative to bring attention to this matter and delve into the dimensions of this intricate issue. My community and my family have suffered the impact of drug addiction &mdash; it&#39;s a disease!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Health Drug