<p>Itis delightful to realize that we have so much freedom, to write and re-write our stories. Although I have known pain (physical and emotional), I guess I may never be able to relate to other people&rsquo;s pain. Probably because my experience may not seem as severe as other experiences, or I can say that I was saved early enough by my &ldquo;Chi&rdquo; from &ldquo;ndi oso Chi egbu&rdquo;.</p> <p>Just like physical injury is treated, emotional injury can be treated likewise. As a physiotherapist, I have met patients whose injuries were being cleaned up(Debridement). It is usually not a good sight to behold for emotional people. These patients undergo debridement which is essential for healing, especially for deep wounds. Through which dead cells are removed from the wound to give room for healing and prevent infection.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>