From the Station to the Haystack Hostel

<p>There was a lot of construction work going on so I had to walk on the cobblestoned road. Oh, what fun. I walked up the street to the end and then back again. No hostel where it should be. I asked the construction workers if they knew where the Haystack Hostel was but I couldn&rsquo;t understand his reply. He pointed up the street where I had already walked. I decided it couldn&rsquo;t be here so I walked up a side alley past the Cafe Royal and across the road to an office with chairs in the waiting area. The receptionist welcomed a very bedraggled old woman &mdash; me. He gave me permission to sit on one of the comfortable lounges but I thought if I sit down I may never get up.</p> <p>I asked if he knew where the Haystack Hotel was. At this point, I was thinking I was looking for a needle in a haystack. (swear words deleted here)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>