Binoculars for Hawk Watching

<p>Autumn is upon us and to many people that means bird migration. There is a subset of birders, hawkwatchers, who undertake migrations of their own to ridge tops, coastlines and peninsulas to witness the seasonal movements of birds of prey. To fully enjoy this phenomenon, the aspiring hawkwatcher needs a good binocular. Since there are a wide variety of binoculars available, choosing the right one can seem overwhelming. What follows are guidelines to help narrow the choices to binoculars that will perform well and not break the bank. Binocular choice largely comes down to personal preference and what is comfortable.&nbsp;<strong>YOU are the only one using your binocular day in and day out, so it has to work for YOU.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hawk Watching