Hello, Long-Haul Trucking!

<p>I&rsquo;m confident the answer is Kodiak Robotics, and I&rsquo;m proud to announce that I&rsquo;ve just joined as their Head of Hardware! What makes Kodiak unique is its vision of applying self-driving technology to long-haul trucking paired with an excellent team; this focus and experience are why I&rsquo;m excited to join the team.</p> <p>I could not have asked for a better fit than with Kodiak, especially since I am naturally impatient about technology actually launching in the real-world. I had been a long-term member of Google&rsquo;s Street View team designing next generation camera systems and electronics, and back then I could not wait for as many people as possible to benefit from our work mapping the entire world. I then moved on to Lyft&rsquo;s Level 5 Division where I was a founding engineer and the Director of Sense and Electronics. I could not wait to get Lyft&rsquo;s vehicles to a state where they could get onto the road to collect all the data needed to develop self-driving transportation systems. I have always aimed for breakthrough technologies to not sit on the shelf collecting dust, but to be on the road collecting miles.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/kodiak-robotics/hello-long-haul-trucking-ef9acde898c1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Haul Trucking