Hong Kong — Hau Wong Temple 侯王宮, Tung Chung, Hong Kong

<p>Hau Wong Temple 侯王宮, Tung Chung, Hong Kong, is small and not very old. The temple is used for worshipping Yeung Hau Wong (Emperor Yeung Hau). The temple contains a bell cast in 1765, which suggests a date for the first temple on the site. However, the ceramic decorations on the roof ridge were produced between 1909 and 1911 at the Shiwan kiln, Xuantong.</p> <p>Yeung Hau Wong (or Yeung Leung-Chit) was a loyalist of the Southern Song Dynasty who escorted the emperor to the south. It is believed the temple was built to recognise his loyalty and to enshrine him.</p> <p>Surprisingly, the temple still exists, as it is isolated on a piece of open ground overlooking the Tung Chung River estuary.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@NicksWanderings/hong-kong-hau-wong-temple-%E4%BE%AF%E7%8E%8B%E5%AE%AE-tung-chung-hong-kong-a2218120cf53"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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