The Harmful Effects of the Term “Rice Queen” in Gay Lingo

<p>The term &ldquo;Rice Queen&rdquo; is believed to have originated in the gay community in the 1980s, during a time when the HIV/AIDS epidemic was prevalent. At the time, it was common for gay men to avoid sexual contact with other men who were perceived to be at higher risk for HIV/AIDS. As a result, many non-Asian gay men were drawn to Asian men because they were seen as less likely to be HIV-positive.</p> <p>However, the term &ldquo;Rice Queen&rdquo; has since taken on a more derogatory meaning. It has become associated with the fetishization of Asian men and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. For example, the term suggests that Asian men are only attractive because of their race or ethnicity, rather than their individual personalities or physical characteristics.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>