I’m Aware That I’m Rare: Harm Bogaard, MD (450)

<p>Today, I would like to talk about genetic testing that we do in our patients. I think we do it a little bit more frequently than it&rsquo;s done in the United States. I think it&rsquo;s an interesting topic for a number of reasons. I think it can help in clinical care of our patients. It can help in making decisions in life about things like having a family, thinking about the chances of your kids, if you already have kids, that they might develop pulmonary hypertension. But I also think that there are important research opportunities by doing more genetic testing and looking more at the genetics of pulmonary hypertension.<br /> There&rsquo;s a new treatment coming up. You may have heard of it, Sotatercept. It&rsquo;s really quite a promising development for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. The reason why we found this drug, why research has been done into this drug, is basically because over the past 20 years, we&rsquo;ve started to learn more about the genetics of pulmonary hypertension. So also from that perspective, I think it&rsquo;s really useful to pay some attention to the genetics of pulmonary hypertension.</p> <p><a href="https://phaware.medium.com/im-aware-that-i-m-rare-harm-bogaard-md-450-ab7f233dbcc0"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Harm Bogaard