Hand Me a Razor! I’m Starting to Look Like My Father

<p>It happened. I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and there he was, staring back at me. For women, it&rsquo;s usually the mother at the worst possible age of her life wrinkling up the mirror. For me, it was Gigi &mdash; my hairy Italian Father.</p> <p>When I saw him, I gasped and ran away. What the heck was he doing in my foggy mirror? Did I see correctly? Shouldn&rsquo;t he be popping up in my brother&rsquo;s mirrored medicine cabinet? Why were his whiskers on my face?</p> <p>My scrupulous, loving daughters had already put me on notice, always pointing out a few hairs here and there around my lips, the lone hair on my chin. I never saw them, or I just didn&rsquo;t care. They were blond anyway because I spent so much time surfing in the ocean.</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t know. Just never noticed them until that morning in late February when, lo and behold, there was my father looking back at me. It creeped me out.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a woman; I&rsquo;m not supposed to have a 5 o&rsquo;clock Shadow, am I? I thought only sexy male movie stars like Ryan Gosling had them. He&rsquo;s hot. He&rsquo;s sexy.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a woman. Will I be sexy, too? Will men find me sensual and rugged like Bradley Cooper? George Clooney? Ben Affleck?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/middle-pause/hand-me-a-razor-im-starting-to-look-like-my-father-f3cfe65b4d01">Visit Now</a></p>
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