Hallmark’s Hidden Hell

<p>I live in Kansas. Kansas only has two real cities, Wichita and Kansas City, and the rest is mid size and small towns. Due to medium&rsquo;s terms and conditions, I will not use the names of these places to protect the guilty.</p> <p>Hallmark portrays these places as friendly idyllic settings where parades are held on Main Street, and neighbors have coffee on the front porch. The truth is far different.</p> <p>A town about an hour outside Wichita is where a Colorado couple just tried to make their home. They found out the sinister truth when they dared to try to make a small Kansas town their home. They purchased an abandoned church that was being used to store junk, which was zoned residential, for 43 thousand dollars, and set about restoring it to make the retirement home of their dreams. They had images of neighbors coming over with casseroles and apple pies. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine the welcome they would get.</p> <p>They ran into the good old boy network. It seems that the city of ___ claimed that the residential zoning of this former church had been a mistake, according to the city council, and they wanted it back to commercial. One city councilmember, R.D., would like to purchase the church to use with his electrical business. However, the church was for sale for months before this couple bought it, and he never put in an offer. He has voted to deny the zoning.</p> <p>Another small town, S, has a young man who owns his land, and is trying to make a nature preserve on six acres. He also moved to this area, and purchased the land. The city keeps mowing down his nature preserve, claiming that there is one noxious weed growing in the preserve.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-left-is-right/hallmarks-hidden-hell-30c5f43cdef0"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>