Hong Kong — My top 5 haggling tips for Hong Kong

<p>Most items in stores and on stalls in Hong Kong are marked up by around 100%. So if it&rsquo;s on sale for $1, the chances are the store or stallholder only paid $0.50. So, a good starting point for your haggling is 50% off. If you see something you like for HK$10 (so the stall holder bought it for HK$5), why not ask if you have it for HK$5? The chances are this will not work, but it gives you a starting point, and you never know you may be lucky and get at least 40% off. I tried this in one place (I was after memory cards from my camera) and started at 50% of the asking price. The stallholder looked at me like I was nuts, and we settled on 25% off. Not bad. I typically got between 10 and 30% of the asking price in other places where I tried the approach.</p> <h2>Tip Two: Get a local friend to help</h2> <p>If you know anyone in Hong Kong, particularly a Cantonese speaker, then take them shopping with you. Unfortunately, I didn&rsquo;t know anybody in Hong Kong, so I couldn&rsquo;t try this tip. If you have tried this tip, then please leave a comment below.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@NicksWanderings/hong-kong-my-top-5-haggling-for-hong-kong-52d2cc90db"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hong Kong