Guarding Ghost Riders: Securing Our Autonomous Future

<p>Picture this: you&rsquo;re lounging comfortably in your car, unwinding, while it effortlessly navigates the roads for you. Sounds dreamy, doesn&rsquo;t it? Yet, with such revolutionary technology comes an inevitable concern: cybersecurity. Image you&rsquo;re relaxing in your cab, and all of a sudden it starts driving you to Moscow! How do we ensure that these intelligent vehicles are protected from digital threats?</p> <p><img alt="" src="*7RDzPv_GrUxU5PYkIvXm3A.jpeg" style="height:501px; width:700px" /></p> <h1><strong><em>The Digital Frontier of Avs</em></strong></h1> <p>Self-driving cars are like sophisticated computers mounted to drive on the road. It&rsquo;s equipped with sensors, software and ways to connect to other devices. Just like human society, they can talk to other cars, interact with traffic lights, and communicate on the Internet to get around. While self-driving cars are growing faster in a short period of time, it&rsquo;s also opening up a new space for hackers.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Guarding Ghost