Urban growth Prediction: Historical and current perspectives in Urban growth modelling

<p>Most of us in the general population perceive cities as systems, places that cradle with human population, combination of thoughts, accumulation of jobs and economic stimulus. Moreover, for more than half of the population in the planet , it is the place where we live.</p> <p>Since, the start of the industrial revolution the growth of cities started rapidly. Most of the economic centers started flourishing around the cities or urban areas. The shift in prodigy from agricultural society to industrial societies accompanied by growth in population nourished the growth of urban centers. The modern cities of today , somewhere have followed this path and stand as achievements of modern civilization.</p> <p><a href="https://mbhushal10289.medium.com/urban-growth-prediction-historical-and-current-perspectives-in-urban-growth-modelling-306879bbf856"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>