Unplanned Growth

<p>The above picture comes to you from an alley near our apartment. Two apartment buildings share a small square lot, and instead of sacrificing it to the never-ending hunger of scooter parking, they filled it with potted plants. It fascinates me &mdash; how do they make decisions about who got what space? Is it an advertised feature if you consider renting an apartment, or do the older tenants swoop in and annex any space people move out from? Do they have arguments over whether people choosing to plant taller plants are blocking the sun from the shorter plants?</p> <p>It&rsquo;s funny, my first thought about seeing this plot is how beautiful and amazing and heartwarming it is, but then my mind goes to the conflicts above. Why? Maybe it&rsquo;s a simple small slice of utopic living carved out by the residents as it first appeared.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@GrahamMOliver/unplanned-growth-5dddca89090f"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>