Leadership with Cognitive flexibility — A must-have skill in today’s growing leaders!

<p>Cognitive flexibility is known as the human ability or skill to shift focus from one single task and respond to another as well as handle multiple concepts in the mind, altogether at the same time. It is not about being able to do lots of things at the same time, but simply being able to appreciate different perspectives and shifting your approach conditional on the situation to arrive at the best possible result.</p> <p>According to a survey report from the World Economic Forum that looked at the future of jobs across nine different industries in fifteen of the world&rsquo;s largest economies, more emphasis would be placed on cognitive abilities such as creativity and adaptability. So, building the skills cognitive flexibility is a great way to develop professionally and keep up with the progressing work environment of the future.</p> <p><strong><em>Key elements of cognitive flexibility</em></strong></p> <p>The key elements of cognitive flexibility are seen as;</p> <p>o&nbsp;<em>Transition and attention</em>&nbsp;&mdash; Cognitive flexibility most often refers to the ability to shift thoughts between multiple concepts. To explain, let&rsquo;s take an example, say you are in a group of two friends and one starts talking about the rules of the game of baseball. Abruptly, the other friend starts talking about French literature. In such a situation, the skill to transition between the two concepts concurrently would be considered flexibility of cognition essentially.</p> <p><a href="https://bhaviksarkhedi.medium.com/leadership-with-cognitive-flexibility-a-must-have-skill-in-todays-growing-leaders-1c6bc87dfb40"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>