How CEOs Grow Leadership By Being a Role Model Every Day.

<p>In the middle of my corporate leadership career, I was working for a global mobile telecommunications company. During that time, I had the great fortune to work very closely with the CEO of the Pacific Group of Companies. He was a remarkable individual because he had such an enormous role and yet was able to focus on some of the small important things very well.</p> <p>I learned a lot about being a leader from him. He would spend about two weeks of every month travelling internationally and the other two weeks of the month he would be in the offices in Sydney. And in that two weeks, he was a great role model and advocate for leadership simply by how he showed up.</p> <p>Let me give you a couple of examples. He was never late to a meeting. He was always on time. Imagine, this is the person with the most extensive portfolio in the entire organisation. If he can be on time to meetings, there is no excuse for others not to be. He did not need to say anything about the poor meeting culture. He did not have to lay down expectations. He simply role modelled what he wanted to see in other leaders and team members across the entire organisation.</p> <p>The second thing is he was just wonderfully good at remembering people&rsquo;s names.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>