A Groovy Tribute to Amsterdam

<p>This 55M American is soon leaving Amsterdam after seven unforgettable years. To have made Amsterdam my home, three decades after a 1989 spring visit here on a Eurail pass, messes with my mind as much as the space cake I swallowed back then at the long lost Wish You Were Here Coffeeshop &mdash; a moist thick slice of chocolate birthday cake, if memory serves.</p> <p>Seven winters spent at 52 degrees latitude North feels significant, but it&rsquo;s nothing in a place with so much history. It&rsquo;s wild that our years here represent barely 5% of our house&rsquo;s 120-year history &mdash; merely a blip and hardly more material than any of the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.mensjournal.com/news/video-amsterdam-canals-dredge-bikes#" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">reported 12,000 to 15,000 bikes</a>&nbsp;that get unceremoniously flung into the Amsterdam canals every year.</p> <p>I digress. I&rsquo;m here to offer a humble digital token of my appreciation as a parting gift to this majestic city. Choose HD.&nbsp;<strong>Sound on.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://bporteus.medium.com/a-groovy-tribute-to-amsterdam-d3cb09b467a9"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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