Four Years Later, We Still Grieve the Loss of Our Business

<p>&ldquo;I dreamt we still had the shop.&rdquo;</p> <p>The words are thick coming out of his mouth, and his eyes are shut tight. He is postponing the reality that&rsquo;ll confront him when he wakes.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m standing in our bedroom doorway and hesitate a moment before going to him.</p> <p>This is called self-preservation.</p> <p>So far, I&rsquo;m having a great morning. I&rsquo;ve had my hair cut and styled. I&rsquo;ve gone on a nice long walk with the dog and spent an hour drinking creamy coffee while wandering around the house, watering my plants while whispering sweet somethings to their chlorophyll-rich leaves.</p> <p>Do I really want to get wrapped up in some complicated moment brought on by a dream?</p> <p>This is what my head is thinking. Meanwhile, my heart is propelling my body towards my husband, who is curled into himself in bed. I climb atop his body. I transform myself into a security blanket. I kiss his ear and the top of his head. I smell his sleepy body and think about how creepy it was that I just did that.</p> <p>But then I get a little love-drunk from his scent, and I do it again &mdash; creepiness be damned.</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t tell him it&rsquo;s going to be alright. I don&rsquo;t say that it was just a dream. Instead, I take up a little space with him. I let him know I&rsquo;m here.</p> <p>For years, the sadness has hammered down on us at random times. We know what we can and cannot do when it comes on.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Business Loss