Ghost Stories

<p>The tour was scheduled for the early morning &mdash;&nbsp;<em>well early for those of us that like to sleep in the mornin</em>g &mdash; and the first destiny was the stone vaults.</p> <p>As I&rsquo;ve been talking here and here, Edinburgh ended up creating a kind of underground city &mdash;&nbsp;<em>one of the only ways to grow while being confined to such a small space while growing in population</em>&nbsp;&mdash; this underground city was mainly a bunch of stone vaults that were either used as warehouses, or as houses for the lower layers of the population.</p> <p>At this tour, they explained to us the reason why these vaults were created, but more than that, they shared stories &mdash;&nbsp;<em>real or not&nbsp;</em>&mdash; about the people living down there.</p> <p>So, here we were, walking around these vaults while they were telling us they used to be used by the lower ends of the population, and in many cases by beggars, thieves, and prostitutes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ghost Stories