The Grey Calm Before the Storm in Istanbul

<p>In<strong>April 2008, going through a divorce.</strong>&nbsp;I just didn&rsquo;t know it yet. And there I was, by myself in Istanbul.</p> <p>I had just finished a week on a school trip in France and after saying goodbye to everyone at CDG in Paris, I boarded another flight and headed the other way three hours to the largest city in Turkey.</p> <p>I like to remember it as a snap decision, but it was all arranged ahead of time and though I had done some traveling in the years leading up to this moment, this city was about as exotic as things had gotten for me at that point.</p> <p>What wasn&rsquo;t arranged ahead of time is that I would be there by myself. The events that caused that circumstance are for another article (that I&rsquo;ll likely never write).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Grey Calm