A Plausible Explanation For The Mystery of Greek Fire

<p>Greek Fire has been one of the most enduring mysteries in history. It features on almost every one of the exhaustive lists of unexplainable things from the past. Greek Fire was a weapon used in the Byzantine Empire. It featured heavily on navy ships and was especially used by Greek sailors, hence the name. The consistency is speculated to have been like napalm. A sticky liquid would burst out and consume an enemy ship in flames that could not be doused with water. It sounds like an especially terrifying weapon and one that few people in the Medieval world understood or wanted to face.</p> <p><a href="https://grantpiperwriting.medium.com/a-plausible-explanation-for-the-mystery-of-greek-fire-98375f2ec017"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Greek Fire