10 Things I’m Grateful For Today

<p>My coach yesterday suggested that I get back into the habit of expressing gratitude every day and instructed me to write down 10 things today. Just thinking about it, even before writing anything brightened my mood.</p> <p>Here is my list.</p> <p>1 I&rsquo;m grateful to be in Athens, my favourite capital city of all time.</p> <p>2 It is a beautiful day of sunshine and almost summer temperatures.</p> <p>3 I have achieved the first thing on my to-do list, namely publishing a new story on Medium that I started drafting last week.</p> <p>4 I have just enjoyed a simple yet delicious lunch of bread, prosciutto, tomatoes, and feta.</p> <p>5 I have overcome the intense homesickness that I have been suffering from for several days.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sarahgall32380/10-things-im-grateful-for-today-1d8c5535ffe"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Grateful Today