Rainbow Colored Grasshoppers

<p>Believe it or not there is actually a species of grasshopper right here in the United States that is aptly named the Rainbow Grasshopper or&nbsp;<em>Dactylotum bicolor.</em>&nbsp;I never blame someone if they don&rsquo;t believe me, heck, I was skeptical at first as well. I always figured it was one of those pictures that someone took their sweet time adding more color than there really was.</p> <p>One of the biggest obstacles of finding this gorgeous grasshopper was that I was in the completely wrong habitat and environment for most of my life to see one. I finally had the opportunity to actually see this species in person when I moved to Colorado. This species ranges throughout the Western Great Plains region of North America so I was in a prime location to find this beautiful grasshopper. Another obstacle was figuring out the time of year this species is active. Eggs are laid in fall and overwinter until the nymphs hatch the following spring. With a life cycle like this adults can be expected later in the summer and into fall when the cycle repeats.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ostrum22/rainbow-colored-grasshoppers-45242c75e9fa"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>