What You Wish You Hadn’t Seen: How to Cope With Viewing Graphic Images

<p>Asprosecutors, we have jobs that require us to view explicit, often very graphic, unsettling evidence. You can&rsquo;t simply avert your eyes because a child&rsquo;s safety is at stake, and a criminal must be brought to justice. Nonetheless, there are ways to guard your senses and your sensibility in strategizing how to work sensitive cases. You don&rsquo;t want to have these images pop up and one of the video clips start running through your mind at the family dinner table, causing you to become quiet and withdrawn. On the other hand, you must dutifully examine such evidence in order to do your job. So where is the happy medium? How do you cope?</p> <p><a href="https://ndaajustice.medium.com/what-you-wish-you-hadnt-seen-how-to-cope-with-viewing-graphic-images-2eff23ebb214"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Graphic Images