The Twelve Days of Grandkids

<p>We are so happy to be healthy and well enough to watch our grandsons while our daughter and her hubby take their first vacation in years. They&rsquo;ll be heading to Hawaii for nearly two weeks. Not only are they going to be nearly five thousand miles away, but six hours earlier than us on the clock. This is for real. We&rsquo;re on our own.</p> <p>We are looking forward to some real quality time and making fun memories with the boys. They are five and seven, in preschool and elementary, so we are just kind of stepping into their schedules to make it better for them; but also, I think better for Daughter and SiL&rsquo;s anxiety levels.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll be sharing some of the events of the two weeks with you. I&rsquo;m sure it will all go smooth as silk.</p> <h2>Day 1</h2> <p>We show up a day early to get the lay of the land and instructions. I am left alone with the grands so they can do errands and pack and within an hour, the boys are beating the stuffing out of each other.</p> <p>It doesn&rsquo;t really matter who or what started it.&nbsp;<em>They&rsquo;re just doing it for attention,</em>&nbsp;I think.&nbsp;<em>They&rsquo;ll stop if I ignore them</em>. First mistake, and our daughter and her husband haven&rsquo;t even left yet.</p> <p>They don&rsquo;t stop. Both are scratched and bleeding and the little one picks up a rock and stick and says, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m going to smash your head in.&rdquo; The older one says, &ldquo;I hate you. I&rsquo;m going to kill you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>