A Grand Evisceration

<p>This word&hellip;&nbsp;<strong>evisceration</strong>: a mighty force that bespeaks an annihilation of unparalleled destruction.</p> <p>As this mysterious living experiment, I can viscerally reveal multiple experiences where I met this violent expulsion of energy long held in the cellular fabric of life. Releasing energy held hostage in the deepest crevices in this designed embryological formation that could no longer be contained demands presencing, demands freedom.</p> <p>A relief. To BE listened. To BE spoken. To BE a Divine partner in the expulsion of stagnant, used, manipulated material that distorts with time.</p> <p>Multiple journeys to Peru within sacred ceremonies with Quechua Medicine Peoples high in the Andes, I was invited inside Shamanic journeys to meet spaces I held as well kept secrets; from me. Deep into tunnels darkened, designed never to BE seen, met, felt and touched.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@1sacredmystik/a-grand-evisceration-231d4e7ac6c2"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>