Greenland and the Grand Canyon Prove Humans Did Not Cause and Cannot Stop Global Warming.

<p>The well-known but often ignored history of the Earth from its formation 2 billion years ago shows that extreme climate change has recurred multiple times before humans existed. No geologists dispute that there have been five major ice ages, with glaciers covering much of northern Europe and all of Canada down into our northern states. No geologists dispute that following each major ice age was a major global warming. It is therefore logical to expect major climate changes to continue to occur due to powerful natural forces, which humans cannot possibly influence.</p> <p>Expecting nature to be constant, i.e., to not vary, and believing there would be no global warming without human intervention, is illogical and contrary to the history of planet Earth.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Grand Canyons