Graham’s Number

<p>Imagine the smallest sensible length in the universe &mdash; that&nbsp;is,&nbsp;the&nbsp;smallest&nbsp;length&nbsp;for&nbsp;which&nbsp;the&nbsp;notion&nbsp;of&nbsp;distance&nbsp;makes&nbsp;sense,&nbsp;a&nbsp;little&nbsp;like&nbsp;pixels&nbsp;in&nbsp;a&nbsp;digital&nbsp;image. This is called a Planck length. In order to grasp just how small this distance really is, a Planck volume, which is Planck length cubed, is so small that there are more Planck volumes inside a cubic meter than there are cubic meters in the known universe.</p> <p>A Planck length is roughly the size you get if you divide the diameter of a proton by a hundred billion billion! It is unimaginable tiny&nbsp;and&nbsp;no&nbsp;one&nbsp;really&nbsp;understands&nbsp;how&nbsp;nature&nbsp;works&nbsp;at&nbsp;this&nbsp;scale.</p> <p>Now imagine that you can write numbers in Planck-length font. To put it in a scientific context, if you write down a number with an Avogadro&rsquo;s number of digits using this font, it would fill up a hundredth of the diameter of an atom.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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