Graffiti: The Importance of Street Art

<p>Graffiti is all around us. We can see it in places as common as a park bench, or on a larger scale in cities and places like Philadelphia that are known for their beautiful murals and street art. With graffiti, sometimes the lines between vandalism and a work of art are blurred. Yet, regardless of the legality of some graffiti, I find that graffiti is an essential part of society and it actually does have a significant importance to our lives. Not only does graffiti offer a platform to many artists in struggling situations, but for viewers, many graffiti has an important message that can be interpreted within the piece as well. Finally, eye-catching graffiti and street art has proven to be an important asset to all types of communities and neighborhoods around the world. However, not only is it beneficial to communities as a whole, but the effect that art has on businesses individually can extremely help a business grow. Even though graffiti can sometimes carry a negative connotation such as that used by gangs, there is a value in the actual art that I find outweighs the damaging kind of graffiti.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>