How to Break Government Gridlock

<p>Before I propose a solution to the problem, let&rsquo;s define &ldquo;dysfunctional government.&rdquo; Dysfunction of government is not about its&nbsp;<em>outcomes</em>; it is about&nbsp;<em>structures and processes</em>&nbsp;that prevent it from working. Dysfunction is reflected in an inability to pass laws, especially those supported by the vast majority of people. It is reflected in brinksmanship over the national debt, government shutdowns, and laws that automate consequences so that Congress doesn&rsquo;t have to decide or act, such as the draconian sequestration bill passed as part of the national debt negotiation during the Obama administration. It is reflected in Congressional gridlock.</p> <p>Effective, functional government must represent the people collectively, defend the rights of minority interests, and still pass the necessary laws. Real freedom lies in our ability to do this via Congress. Over time, the government of a self-governing people must reflect the will of that people &mdash; never exactly, never in every detail, but definitely in its long trajectory. This core function of government, however, appears to no longer work. We are losing the ability and capacity to self-govern. That is what I mean by &ldquo;dysfunctional.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>