17.7 Government in Exile

<p>While the democracy in Athens was being overthrown, Athenian forces on the island of&nbsp;<strong>Samos</strong>&nbsp;supported the Samian democrats in removing the oligarchy&nbsp;<strong>Peisander</strong>&nbsp;had set up there. The fleet headquartered at Samos consisted of about one hundred ships, each with a complement of two hundred men. The great majority of these were oarsmen, who came from the lowest class in Athens. They were all pro-democratic, because only in a radical democracy did they enjoy the privileges of citizenship. So with twenty thousand armed supporters of democracy in one place, Samos would remain a center of democratic power. After replacing the oligarchy, the men at Samos sent a ship to Athens to report, only to find out that Athens had become oligarchic. The base at Samos now became virtually a democratic government in exile, hostile to the developments in the mother city.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-first-philosophers/17-7-government-in-exile-736bab91420c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>