Google Summer of Code  — Final Evaluation

<p><strong>Google Summer of Code &mdash; Final Evaluation</strong></p> <p>The great adventure has finally come to and end. This post is a total description of my work during the summer of codes and will serve as my final submission for the last evaluation.</p> <p><strong>Project&nbsp;</strong>Title<strong>&nbsp;:</strong><br /> Add &quot;Autofix&quot; feature for common linting errors (w/ spectral)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>GSoC x Postman</p> <p>This spring, I was selected to participate in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program that pairs student developers with open source projects. I was placed with the AsyncAPI initiative under Postman, working on the project to &#39;Add &quot;Autofix&quot; feature for common linting errors (w/ spectral)&#39; for AsyncAPI Vscode extension. AsyncAPI is a crucial standard in modern API development, facilitating communication between applications in a non-blocking, efficient manner and maintain your event driven architecture. Vscode Preview Asyncapi is an vscode extension to preview asyncapi documents inside VSCode.This opportunity allows me to contribute to the development of tools and standards that play a vital role in the tech industry.</p> <p><strong>Getting started with AsyncAPI</strong></p> <p>I learned about AsyncAPI while contributing to Winter of Code(WOC) 3.0 and then achieved top 5th rank in this open source program. I had some previous experience working with ReactJS and then decided to try out Asyncapi-website. Then I joined their slack channel and started to be updated by their social medias. On slack I got to know that AsyncAPI didn&#39;t qualify for GSoC program but then Postman gave a chance to AsyncAPI to have GSoC candidates under Postman. After researching a lot from the project idea I was inclined towards the asyncapi vscode project.</p> <p>I initially started solving basic issues present on asyncapi vscode extension and then learned about how actually vscode extension works.<br /> GSoC kicked off in late April, and I spent more time exploring the community and its best practices. I also met my mentor(Ivan Garcia Sainz-Aja) over video conference. We discussed a plan to move forward with and implement our projects.</p> <p>Started creating small basic autofix feature from scratch. After few days created a list of all necessary autofix for necessary error codes. My most of the time went on researching on different ways to write the code and unit testing. Because of that I was having a backlogs of work pending.<br /> Created a pull request containing all the autofix work. My mentor suggested to convert this code to check and manipulate the yaml via the json path. My mentor understood me and suggested not to panic regarding the deadline. After I complete the above coversion, I&rsquo;ll work on completing unit testing on those functions.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>