What is Good Iconography?

<p>There are so many icons out in the world, but how did we begin to understand what the simple shapes and lines mean? Today I got the chance to walk around my university on a beautiful sunny day to take pictures of different icons within buildings and on the streets and roads. I decided to choose these pictures because they are all very different, in style and shape and also whether they are universal icons or not. After taking a couple pictures, I went back home to redraw them from scratch on a blank sheet of paper.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:770/1*NMux57AN7FSdwAzKuP4QWQ.png" style="height:156px; width:700px" /></p> <p>As I was drawing them out, I found that many of the universal icons, such as the &ldquo;Washroom&rdquo; sign, &ldquo;No Stopping&rdquo; sign and the &ldquo;Caution&rdquo; sign, they all have very thick borders. This means that these icons stresses on simple designs, simple shapes and simple lines.</p>
Tags: Iconography