What is Good Iconography?
<p>There are so many icons out in the world, but how did we begin to understand what the simple shapes and lines mean? Today I got the chance to walk around my university on a beautiful sunny day to take pictures of different icons within buildings and on the streets and roads. I decided to choose these pictures because they are all very different, in style and shape and also whether they are universal icons or not. After taking a couple pictures, I went back home to redraw them from scratch on a blank sheet of paper.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:770/1*NMux57AN7FSdwAzKuP4QWQ.png" style="height:156px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>As I was drawing them out, I found that many of the universal icons, such as the “Washroom” sign, “No Stopping” sign and the “Caution” sign, they all have very thick borders. This means that these icons stresses on simple designs, simple shapes and simple lines.</p>