A New Type of Golden Quadrilateral

<p>My previous post on Medium introduced a new type of Golden Triangle based on its three angles in proportion to the Golden Ratio. So, once we know that a triangle exists with its angles in &Phi; or phi proportion (the Golden Ratio, approximately 1.61803&hellip;), a logical question to ask is: Can we create other polygons with angles in &Phi; proportion? The answer is YES!</p> <p>I should say first that there are other figures called Golden Quadrilaterals, all based on lengths of sides and diagonals in some phi ratio such as a Golden Trapezoid, a Golden Rhombus, a Golden Parallelogram, and a Golden Kite.</p> <p>Any quadrilateral has angles totaling 360&deg;. We can expand the formula we used to find the three angles of a triangle to search for four angles. That formula is</p> <p><a href="https://www.cantorsparadise.com/a-new-type-of-golden-quadrilateral-eb9052158f5a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>