Gold Is Tested With Fire — And The Believer Is Tested With Trials:

<p>T<strong>he believer is subjected to Tests and Allah&rsquo;s Testing him through things that may harm or hurt him brings two great benefits.</strong></p> <p>The First benefit is that Allah tests this man concerning his Faith, to see whether his Faith is sincere or shaky.&nbsp;<strong>The Believer whose Faith is sincere will patiently accept the will and decree of Allah and will seek reward From Him.&nbsp;</strong>In this case, the matter becomes bearable For him.</p> <p>It was narrated that one of the Female worshippers of Allah suffered a cut or wound on her Finger, but she did not complain about the pain or show any sign of distress. She was asked about that and she said:<strong>&nbsp;The sweetness of its reward makes me Forget the bitterness of bearing it. The believer seeks reward From Allah and submits to Him completely.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gold Tested