Ecology Solved My Gnat Problem

<p>Last summer my beloved houseplants were invaded by fungus gnats. When I watered them, I would see small black flecks scurry across the soil, too many to remove by hand. They were in my plants, in my drains, in my face, and floating in every drink I poured. It was a nightmare I couldn&rsquo;t escape.</p> <p>I know the best solution in this situation is usually to let your soil dry out between waterings, but I was growing Southern Magnolia Seedlings at the time, and they didn&rsquo;t do well with the water cutbacks. So, I resorted to the best problem solver I know &mdash; the Google Search bar. There I read about a myriad of natural pest solutions, some used dish soap and vinegar, others used hydrogen peroxide, one mentioned red wine, another used carnivorous plants, and the options went on.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gnat Problem