CommanderVideo’s glorious returns in BIT.TRIP RERUNNER

<p>Ready to run through rhythm platforming levels again? In this latest installment,&nbsp;<em>BIT.TRIP RERUNNER</em>&nbsp;is a remaster of the original&nbsp;<em>Bit.Trip Runner</em>&nbsp;with a level maker.&nbsp;<strong>As someone who has heard a lot about the&nbsp;<em>Bit.Trip</em>&nbsp;series but never played any of their games, is the new one worth checking out?</strong></p> <p><em>BIT.TRIP RERUNNER</em>&nbsp;is about timing your inputs to the level&rsquo;s many obstacles. It goes in rhythm with the song as you jump, slide, and avoid obstacles in CommanderVideo&rsquo;s way.&nbsp;<strong>Because he is constantly on the move, the moment you collide with an object, you die.</strong>&nbsp;There are no lives, so feel free to try out the levels and sequences as much as you want.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*uSBzi_fadymjlKPFpCaA6g.png" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Super Meat Boy and other iconic indie game character make a cameo in BIT.TRIP RERUNNER</p> <p>The game eases you into the challenges ahead, introducing new abilities and button inputs to keep in mind as you play. From simply jumping around to absorbing black boxes, there will be plenty of obstacles ahead to keep you on your toes. The absorb is one of the two new abilities for CommanderVideo as he is also able to shoot lasers out of his eyes. These two abilities along with sliding, blocking, and kicking are needed to get through the over 30 levels the main game has to offer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>