The Bruce Report & Glasgow Slum Clearances

<p>The slum clearances are a pivotal part of Glasgow history, which with hindsight is often subject to romanticised revisionism. The ideology of the controversial Bruce Report underpinned the clearances, and its effects still resonate in a modern Glasgow.</p> <p><strong>The Bruce Report</strong></p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>First Planning Report to the Highways and Planning Committee of the Corporation of the City of Glasgow</em>, or The Bruce Report, was published in March 1945 and in it documented the recommendation of large-scale regeneration and all-encompassing rebuilding of Glasgow and its surrounding areas. While in theory this idea, a complete regeneration of a major city, initially suggested cause for celebration, The Bruce Report and its ideas were not without criticism even at the time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Glasgow Slum