If a Glasgow Mum could Blog in the 70s

<p>Just imagine if that could happen&hellip;.</p> <p>If a Glasgow Mammy had a blog in the 70s. Read on&hellip;.</p> <p>Woke up at 7am and gently shoved the x-ray paper into the front of the electric meter to stop the wheel going too fast. Fair cuts the bills down and easily whipped out when the meter reader man comes around. Chapped up old Frank next door for his work.</p> <p>Smoked two fags, drank tea.</p> <p>Banged on the two bar fire to get the room warm for the weans to get ready for school. Sent my eldest (Janice 10yrs) down to the shops with 50 Embassy coupons to get 10 Capstan Full Strength ciggies from the Lafferty the newsagents. She popped into Mckay the bakers to get a bag of yesterday&rsquo;s buns (no cream ones obviously) for the weans breakfast.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@janeygodley_42972/if-a-glasgow-woman-from-the-1970s-could-blog-ef9ecc44942c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Glasgow Mum