Giant ring? Giant arc? These “structures” may not even be real

<p>How large is the largest structure in the Universe? According to our best understanding of the Universe, the mix of radiation, normal matter, dark matter, and dark energy that we have should lead to a rich cosmic web of large-scale structure, where massive objects &mdash; like galaxies &mdash; cluster together along filaments, and where those filaments intersect, we should expect to find massive galaxy clusters. In the space between filaments should be great cosmic voids: regions with a great underdensity of galaxies and other forms of matter. We should expect structures, such as walls of galaxies, as large as 1&ndash;2 billion light-years to form, while the voids might be as large as 3&ndash;4 billion light-years across. On larger scales, we expect the Universe to appear relatively uniform.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Giant Ring