Holy Ghosting

<p>Have you ever felt the profound heavenly silence? It&rsquo;s especially gut-wrenching if you&rsquo;re someone who has heard and become intimate with the voice of the Divine. It&rsquo;s almost like going from a loud concert with a symphonic orchestra to a still graveyard at midnight. The silence can be deafening too. Because in that moment, you&rsquo;ll hear every little thing except what you are craving. You&rsquo;ll hear the tiniest cricket chirp, you&rsquo;ll hear the rustle of rodents in the grass, the sound of your own beating heart, and the rush of blood through your veins. You&rsquo;ll hear everything except what you are listening for. The question though is this:</p> <p>Does God ignore us? Or are we just in our feelings? Does Heaven ever leave us on read &mdash; a proper blue double tick, without even a sign of&nbsp;<em>Jesus is typing?</em>&nbsp;And knowing he&rsquo;s always O<strong>nline</strong>, does<strong>&nbsp;</strong>he just choose to air us or is our network bad?</p> <p><a href="https://balpolamidi.medium.com/holy-ghosting-8c3dd6b0bfa7"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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