Getting User Location in Android App

<p>Learn how to implement location service into your android app using Kotlin and the Fused Location Provider API. This article will guide you through the process of retrieving the user&rsquo;s current location and handling common errors that may occur. By the end of this article, you&rsquo;ll have the necessary knowledge to create a location service into your android app.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>Add dependencies</h1> <p>To implement location service in your Android app, you need to add these two dependencies to the&nbsp;<code>build.gradle</code>&nbsp;App file</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>The first dependency provides the necessary APIs for retrieving the user&rsquo;s current location.</li> <li>The second one allows you to retrieve the user&rsquo;s location in a coroutine scope, which can help improve the performance of your app and prevent any blocking of the UI thread.</li> </ul> <h1><strong>Adding permissions to the manifest</strong></h1> <p>To retrieve the user&rsquo;s location in your Android app, you&rsquo;ll need to add the necessary location permissions to your app&rsquo;s manifest file.<a href="" rel="noopener follow">Jetpack</a></p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>