Getting Started with Room Database in Android

<p>Local data storage is crucial for many Android applications, allowing them to store and retrieve data efficiently. In this guide, we will explore Room, a powerful library that simplifies database management in Android apps. We&rsquo;ll cover everything from setting up Room to performing database operations and handling migrations.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*eCptOwb2cImXY-ueplhNIg.png" style="height:385px; width:662px" /></p> <p>Structure of using the Room data base in android MVVM project</p> <h2>Section 1: Setting Up Room Database</h2> <p><strong>Step 1: Add Dependencies</strong><br /> Open your app&rsquo;s `<strong>build.gradle</strong>` module level file and add the necessary dependencies for Room and Kotlin Coroutines (for asynchronous operations):</p> <pre> gradle dependencies { def roomVersion = &quot;2.4.0&quot; // Check for the latest version implementation &quot;$roomVersion&quot; kapt &quot;$roomVersion&quot; implementation &quot;$roomVersion&quot; implementation &quot;org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.5.2&quot; // Add Coroutine dependency }</pre> <p>OR</p> <p>For latest android and jetpack compose if its failing with some error we might have to add ksp() {Kotlin symbol processing}.</p> <p>Add below dependencies and plugin in build.gradle(Module level).</p> <pre> plugins { . . id &quot;; } . . . dependencies{ // Room dependency val room_version = &quot;2.5.2&quot; implementation(&quot;$room_version&quot;) // To use Kotlin annotation processing tool (kapt) ksp(&quot;$room_version&quot;) }</pre> <p>Add below class path for the ksp in build.gradle(app level).</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>